KINO. MEIN ORT. Franzi knows which buttons to press!

Exciting days are behind us and ahead of us. Agent 007 is breaking visitor records, and the cinema industry is celebrating this tremendous support. Cinema theatres are filling up, and good seats are suddenly in high demand again. One might think that everything is running as usual, right? We have the answer to that question in our latest episode of the digital magazine KINO. MEIN ORT.

Franzi Knoefel, our specialist in cinema innovations, takes a look behind the screens of the multiplex cinema at CinemaxX Dammtor. Theater manager Morton Offner opened all doors, and Franzi was even allowed to press some important buttons – although not all of them. Find out why she caught Frank Thomsen, CEO of CinemaxX, off guard and why our Chief Sales Officer Oliver Adrian will be singing along at the cinema for Christmas in the latest episode.

Enjoy checking it out.


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