Does political advertising need to be creative?

The federal election is just around the corner. All the more reason we’re looking forward to the panel discussion with Raphael Brinkert (Creative Director of the SPD election campaign), Peter Gocht (Creative Director of the CDU election campaign), and Annkathrin Schäfer (Campaign Manager at BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN).
We need to start with the people
On one topic, all three agreed: We’re not doing this to win a lion, but none of us would say no. Ultimately, it’s about convincing the voters. And this year, out-of-home advertising is particularly effective. Four years ago, social media was the big winner in the election campaign, but it has become so normal that out-of-home advertising is experiencing a renaissance as you can’t swipe posters, and you can reach people while they are out and about.
And what will the election campaign be like this year? Bolder, which also means admitting mistakes and perhaps being more emotional, because especially the younger generation is becoming more political and is eager to change things.
Here’s the entire talk: