Cannes Lions returns to the Croisette in 2022!
The Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity is set to take place live and in color at the Croisette in 2022. The festival, based in London, has just announced this exciting news. The goal is to host the festival on-site in a safe environment and reactivate the crucial networking aspect that was challenging in recent years. The digital adaptations in 2020 and 2021 were somewhat successful, especially with the launch of the LIONS Membership Program in 2021. However, creating a networking platform that can rival the experience at the Croisette is nearly impossible.
Nevertheless, the festival will retain its digital component. Hybrid is the motto.
WHAT’S new in 2022?
The festival has announced a new Lion: The Creative B2B Lion will celebrate creativity and effectiveness in the B2B sector. Additionally, the following two Lions have been revamped: Creative Commerce Lion and Media Lion. Details about how the festival will unfold for the Cannes jurors and the Cannes Jury in 2022 can be found here:
Cannes Lions Jury
The Cannes Jury will return to the scene in 2022, likely not in the familiar air-conditioned rooms at the Palais. The decision is related to the ongoing impact of COVID-19. The jurors should have as much time as possible to discuss the works together, but spend as little time as possible in confined spaces. The final arrangement remains to be seen.
Cannes Young Lions
The Young Lions Competition will once again take place digitally this year. Following the success of allowing digital participation in the Young Lions competition this year, regardless of travel restrictions and budget constraints, the festival aims to build on this experience and enable as many young creatives as possible to participate. Each country can enter up to 7 teams, and this year saw a record 92 countries participating in the competition!
It is not feasible to have this number of young creatives compete in person, considering the uncertainty of global restrictions next year. Additionally, emphasis is placed on providing as many teams/countries as possible the opportunity to participate in the competition, regardless of the situation in their respective countries. The Young Lions Competition will take place digitally from May 16 to June 7, 2022, allowing the gold-winning teams to participate in a specially designed program for Young Lions during the festival week.