10 Questions for Matthias Wolk

In our format “Oberwasser,” we take the time to engage with decision-makers and specialists in the communication industry, gaining thought-provoking insights. Oberwasser delivers substantial insights into the business and the industry from those who know it best, like Matthias Wolk.

  • Name: Matthias Wolk
  • Job / Company: Managing Director at VRtual X GmbH + realTV group GmbH & Co.KG
  • My Corona skill (things I learned during Corona):  I haven’t learnt anything new, just confirmed: there is nothing good unless you do it yourself.
Matthias Wolk
  1. On which platform were you most active during the lockdown, and what content did you consume on it?
    Spiegel and Zeit Online.
  2. How do you manage to stay professionally and personally connected despite the distance?
    WhatsApp video call (privat), Teams, Zoom, Webex – anything as long as it involves video.
  3. Since Corona, no day has been the same, and decisions made yesterday may not matter today. How do you motivate yourself daily?
    Every day is a new beginning. I enjoy running at 6 am in the morning to clear my mind and get fresh ideas.
  4. How will the Corona crisis influence your work environment long term?
    Very positively. Currently, we are hiring 15 new employees. Trend: increasing.
  5. Do you think Germany needed Corona to advance digital transformation?
    The digital turbo has always been missing. That has come to an end now…
  6. Who is your “hidden champion” in the Corona crisis?
    Clearly, VRtual X 🙂 We seized the opportunity during the crisis with our platform for virtual events.
  7. Is Corona still a dominant topic for you, or are issues like #blacklivesmatters, Trump, or the next vacation more important?
    “Malle is only once a year.” And therefore, definitely not a topic. Corona is a central theme in my job.
  8. Do you think Corona has made you and all of us more critical?
    I am just as critical and uncritical as always. What happens on the streets leaves me speechless.
  9. Do you believe brands/companies should react to these issues now, or is it better to ignore them?
    Definitely react; anything else would be avoiding the reality.
  10. Your tip to stay afloat during Corona
    Remain relaxed, be active, drive things forward, and take a break now and again.