Weischer to explore new business fields
Udo Schendel to become Chief Investment Officer (CIO), and Tobias Hefele takes on the role of CEO at Weischer.JvB.
Hamburg, Dezember 5, 2022 – Weischer, the leading marketer for cinema, outdoor, and online advertising, aims to further expand its expertise in the media and communications business. Therefore, starting in January 2023, the company will establish a corporate venture structure, enabling strategic investments, acquisitions, and startups. This move is intended to broaden the market-leading position into adjacent business areas.
Udo Schendel will assume the central and operational responsibility for the new business segment as Chief Investment Officer (CIO) and will execute this role in close coordination with other shareholders at Weischer. In his new position, Schendel will also focus on identifying and expanding innovation, development, and synergy fields within the existing company portfolio. “Weischer has succeeded in establishing a leading position in cinema marketing and the out-of-home (OOH) business over many years,” says Florian Weischer, Co-Chairman at Weischer. “We are also very successful in the digital, research, data, and technology solutions space. Now we are opening a new chapter. We will identify new, fitting business fields and occupy them with a targeted market entry.”
As part of his new role, Udo Schendel will step down from his current position as CEO of Weischer.JvB, which he has held since 2016. Starting from January 1, Tobias Hefele will take over as the new CEO. Hefele has been with Weischer since 2020 and has extensive experience in the (D)OOH business, previously holding leading positions at Ströer and Kinetic Worldwide Germany. Over the past three years at Weischer, Tobias Hefele focused on building Nqyer XMedia, a digitally oriented retail media agency. Additionally, he played a significant role in the development and implementation of programmatic booking options in Weischer.Cinema’s cinema business. Hefele joins an experienced management team, including Alexander Fürthner, Stephan Dahm, and Simon Kloos. “Unique qualifications come together to form a strong leadership team. Being led by a digital expert is a competitive advantage and a clear signal for the future at Weischer.JvB. The new team has our full confidence,” says Marcus Weischer, Co-Chairman at Weischer.
The leadership change at Weischer.JvB is occuring during an exceptionally successful period for the business. The company is currently heading towards a new record year. After achieving the best year since its founding in 2021 despite the challenges of the pandemic, Weischer.JvB’s revenues have seen a significant increase this year.
Press Contact Weischer
Arian Abdija
Director Brand & Communications