Our History

  1. 1954

    Founding: Hans Weischer founds “WerbeWeischer” in 1954 as a special agency for cinema advertising.

  2. 1991

    Management: Florian and Marcus Weischer join the company as managing directors

  3. 1996

    Cannes Lions representative: Takeover of German representation of the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity

  4. 2002

    Formation of the holding company: Founding of the “Weischer Mediengruppe” Holding, under which all brands are consolidated

  5. 2013

    Market entry: “WerbeWeischer” starts cinema business in Switzerland

  6. 2016

    Acquisition of cinema business: CineCom Austria and Publicitas CineCom Switzerland are acquired; today Weischer.Cinema Switzerland and Weischer.Cinema Austria

  7. 2017

    Cannes Lions representative: Swiss representation of the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity is acquired

  8. 2018

    UN Partnership: Weischer becomes the first official “Supporting Partner” of the UN SDG Action Campaign

  9. 2020

    Brand relaunch: New CI and restructuring of the companies in Germany, Austria and Switzerland

  10. 2021

    Sustainability: Weischer becomes climate-neutral in Germany for the first time

  11. 2022

    Management: Moritz Weischer joins the company as managing director and shareholder

    Cannes Lions representative: Weischer winns Representative of the Year Award

  12. 2024

    Founding: Weischer founds social media agency and IT service provider